認可醫療專業團體會員名銜 – 教育心理學家 – 2024年5月20日
► “認可名冊教育心理學家”
HKAEP members are now eligible users of assessment tools developed by the HKSpLD Research Team – 2022年7月13日
The HKSpLD Research Team has advised that HKAEP would be recognized as one of the eligible user criteria for the assessment tools developed by the Research Team with effect from 24 June, 2022. Our HKAEP members can download the application forms as test users at their website https://hksld.eduhk.hk/.
Extension of the Deadline for Membership Application under the Grandfather Clause – 2021年10月9日
In view of the impact of COVID-19 on the delivery of public service and individual’s daily activities over the last two years, the HKAEP has decided to extend the deadline for membership application under the Grandfather Clause from 30th October 2021 to 30th October 2022, so that potential applicants could have enough time to prepare the documents required.
Hong Kong English Reading Ability Test for Primary-One Pupils (HKE) – 2020年8月4日
Accredited Educational Psychologists of HKAEP are recognized and eligible to be the registered users of the HKE.
Members can visit the “Privilege” section under the “Registrants Area” (Members Only, login required) for details.
最新抗逆資源 – 2020年3月3日
資源已上載至「註冊會員專區」裡的「下載」一欄 (只限會員)。
公告:認可醫療專業註冊先導計劃 — 教育心理學家 – 2019年10月31日
衛生署今日 (二零一九年十月三十一日) 宣布,香港教育心理學家公會 (HKAEP) 已經成為「認可醫療專業註冊先導計劃」正式認證的醫療專業團體,獲授權負責管理其教育心理學家會員的註冊和名單。
英文版: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/201910/31/P2019103100579.htm
中文版: https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/201910/31/P2019103100592.htm
香港的教育心理學家應向HKAEP申請成為會員,有關申請資格和程序等詳情請見我們的網站 (https://www.hkaep.org.hk/application-for-registration/)。
寬限申請必須在 2021年 11月 30日前遞交(https://www.hkaep.org.hk/grandfather-clause/)。